HigH TecH: Low Carbon - THe role of THe european digiTal TecHnology indusTry in Tackling climaTe cHange
For the purposes of this document, the European digital technology industry comprises the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and Consumer Electronics (CE) sectors in Europe. Europe’s digital technology industry is a major economic sector in its own right. The telecoms, IT and audio-visual markets make up 6-8% (depending on definition) of EU GDP, and 4-6% of employment1. The EU represents approximately 20% of the world’s ICT supply. This is comparable to Japan and less than the US which accounts for 30%)2.
Energy Saving Trust in the UK4 predicted that by 2020, 45% of domestic electricity will be consumed by ICT and CE products, in what they described as “a new ICE age”5. Both statements were accompanied by a barrage of press coverage emphasising the growing energy demand of our sector and its products.
The digital technology industry is in a unique position –on the one hand our products consume energy, but on the other hand we provide technologies that reduce the energy consumption of
other sectors. This report demonstrates that we acknowledge the challenges our industry faces and we are committed to address